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Gilbert National Little League

Gilbert National Little League

Frequently Asked Questions

Gilbert National Little League (GNLL) is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing a fun, team oriented, instructional yet competitive baseball environment for your child. Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers. If you have a question that you do not see in the list below, please submit an email to the following:

For Registration: [email protected] 

For payments/refunds: [email protected]

Note:  With our transition to the new registration site powered by Dick's Team HQ, there will be some challenges.  We ask for patience as we work through them.  It will be required to set up a new registration account for players and volunteers.  We appreciate your understanding during this transition phase. Check out the following website for additional information on setting up a new 
registration account.

1. How do I register my child?

Go to the home page on our website and click on the button “Log in" at the top right corner. The first time you register with GNLL you will need to create an account. You will use that account when registering in all subsequent seasons with GNLL.

2. How much does it cost to play baseball at GNLL?

  - Juniors/Intermediate/Major/Minor Divisions (“Kid Pitch”) - $185.00
  - Coach Pitch - $135.00
  - T-Ball - $90.00

Note: Prices are as of 6/30/2024 and are subject to change.  

3. What types of payments do you accept?

  - Visa/Mastercard (Online only)

4. I am trying to sign my child up, but am not sure what division to select, is there a difference?

Suggested Age groups for each division are as follows:
Juniors 14-15
  - Intermediate 13
Majors 10-12
Minors 8-10
Coach Pitch 6-8
T-Ball 4-6

Note: For our kid pitch divisions (Minors and up), if your child has experience in one of the divisions above and you would like them to play up, you may sign them up for one of the higher divisions (depending on their birthday month/year). Ultimately, tryouts (held for spring seasons only) and subsequent draft will determine which division they play in. These players may end up in a higher or lower division depending on skill level.  

5. Are there any discounts associated with having more than one child play in the league?

 No, but there is a $50.00 discount for each additional sibling signed up.

6. What is my child’s league age?

Please go to and enter the required information to determine your child’s league age.

7. What are tryouts like?

   Tryouts may vary from year to year. The current format is as follows:
  - Infield ground balls to Shortstop with a throw to first to judge their fielding ability and arm strength – 3 chances
Fly balls to the outfield to judge their ability to track the baseball and make the catch – 3 chances
Batting to judge their ability to track and make contact with the ball – 4-5 swings
  - Pitching and catching will be evaluated. If a player has catchers gear, they should bring catcher gear to tryouts.

8. Can I request a Coach?

Coaches can always be requested in the T-Ball and Coach Pitch divisions. In the Spring season, players in the “kid pitch” divisions (minors/majors/juniors) are drafted to teams. Currently we allow coach requests for “kid pitch” divisions in the Fall season.  We will do our best to honor requests, requests are not guaranteed for any age group.

9. I would like my child to play with his/her friend, is this possible?

See explanation for coach request above. Requests can be made for T-Ball and Coach Pitch divisions in the Spring.

10. How should I prepare my child for tryouts?

We would suggest you practice the format that is listed in the above question #7.

11. When are tryouts?

Tryouts are only in the Spring and occur in mid to late February. GNLL will send an email announcing tryouts and the information will be posted on our website. 

12. When does the season start?

The season starts in March for the Spring and September for the Fall. The exact start date will vary from year to year and will be announced. Check our website for updates. For juniors, the Spring season will typically start sometime in late March or early April, while the Fall season normally starts in early October.

13. How many games will we play?

Spring season in generally 12 to 18 games. Fall season depends on the number of players that register and the number of teams, but can range from 12 to 14 games. Number of games is dependent on the number of teams formed in the division.

14. What days/time will the games be played?

Games are played Monday through Friday with start times of 5:30pm, 6:00pm and 7:30 PM. Schedules vary week to week. Saturday's games start at 9:00 AM and played all day. Game schedules cannot be set until the registration process is complete and teams are formed.

15. Where are the games at GNLL played?

Most of the games for the Minor/Major/Junior divisions are played at New McQueen Park, which is located at 525 N McQueen Road, on the east side of McQueen Road, about 0.25 miles north of Elliott Road. Depending on the number of teams in each division there could be interleague play with other leagues within our district.

Other games may be played at Old McQueen Park located at the NW corner of W. Cullumber Ave and N. Horne St., just south of Playa Del Ray Elementary School.

Please see the maps located on our website by clicking on "Locations" link in the "About Us" Tab.

Note: For juniors/seniors, we play against other leagues within our district so games may be played at any of those league’s fields.

16. When and where are the practices held?

Practice times and locations are determined by the team’s manager. Whenever possible, GNLL will make fields available at McQueen Park before opening day games. The number of practices available at the fields is dependent on the number of teams. The fields will most likely not be available for practices once the regular season begins.

17. What do I do if I want to volunteer for coach, assistant coach or help out with the league?

We always appreciate volunteers. If you are interested in coaching, please register as a Team Manager or Assistant Coach through the registration link.  

18. Does the league supply helmets, bats, and gloves?

The league will provide a game jersey and hat to each player. Parents/Guardians are responsible for cleats, pants, socks, belts, gloves, bats, helmets and any other equipment a player may need. Parents should wait until the coaches communicate the color of the pants/socks/belts before purchasing them.

19. Where do I send the medical release form and birth certificate for my child?

You will upload the birth certificate during the registration process. This is the preferred method. For the medical release form, please hold onto it and give it to your coach once the teams have been formed and you have your first practice.

20. We registered but can no longer play, can we get a refund?

Please email registration at [email protected] Please note the refund policy is explained when you register your player online.

21. How does GNLL form the teams?

During the Spring season, all teams with the exception of Coach Pitch and T-Ball are formed through a player draft that occurs the week following tryouts. Coach Pitch and T-Ball are formed by the division directors for those leagues. For the fall season, parents may request a coach or a player that their child wants to play with. Most requests will be granted, however depending on the number of requests that a coach receives; some may be put on another team. 

Other information that is considered is school and zip code. Although GNLL makes every attempt to fulfill a registration request, there will always be a few outliers that are out of our control depending on the number of players registered and registration date. Priority is given to players that register early.


Gilbert National Little League
PO BOX 1013 
Gilbert, Arizona 85299

Email: [email protected]

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